Whether you're a student, a professional, or simply embarking on a new hobby...

Learning quickly and effectively is the only thing that can stand in your way.

  • Memorize numbers, facts, or concepts instantly

  • Retain & maintain your memories forever

  • Learn new languages or words effortlessly

  • Never forget a face or a name again

  • Apply to anything from history to music

Let me ask you this:

Do you ever wish you were better at remembering names, medical/dental terms, your to-do list, or anything else?  

During an exam, have you ever thought, “I have seen this word somewhere in my textbook, but I can’t remember the details? Damn it! I am just going to guess on this one.” 

If you are already practicing dentistry, do you ever forget to write on a patient’s chart by the end of the day even though you told yourself to do it ten times throughout the day?

The good news is ...


and here is an example to prove it.  

Journalist Joshua Foer (author of Moonwalking with Einstein) was writing about memory champions around the world. 

One day, a memory expert asked Joshua if he could train him. 

Joshua reluctantly accepted the challenge and trained one-two hours every day for a year. 

The goal was for this normal journalist (with a very average IQ and memory) to win the USA Memory Championship. 

As you may have guessed, he indeed became the memory champion! 

I am fascinated by this story because he is proof that memory is a trainable skill. 

Other memory champions have the exact same advice to share and say “the brain is a muscle; we need to train this muscle.” 

Any fitness fans out there? Just like working out to get that 6-pack, you can gain a brilliant memory if you work at it (hard).

Our goal is much more than helping others remember 

  • Drug names
  • Sequences
  • Numbers
  • People's name
  • and more

We believe that by “teaching people how to learn better,” we are providing a better education. 

And our hope is to create a big revolution in education

Our mission is to help you learn and retain the important information you need throughout your career in faster, less painful, and more efficient ways. 

Here is how WakeUp Memory works:

  1. Observe 
  2. Connect (the word/number with a special image/memory)

When you do this, you engage several regions of the brain that are known to be involved in two specific tasks – visual memory and spatial navigation (including the right posterior hippocampal region that’s associated with the excellent memory of London taxi drivers).  

Here is another example...very few people can easily remember the shape of Russia or France, but the shape of Italy is usually common knowledge because most people have heard that Italy is shaped like a boot.

You probably understand the general concept now. If you know to consciously associate or connect anything you want to remember to something you already know, your memory can significantly improve.

The end result is a comprehensive "WakeUp Memory" methodology to help you learn anything from algebra to zoology faster and more effectively. 

To get tips, sign up for the special newsletter dedicated to your brain health!

Learn WakeUp Memory Techniques

In this episode, Claire helps us to remember the MRD or maximum recommended dose, for local anesthetic cartridges.  

In this episode, Claire helps us to remember the eight steps to chart an oral lesion.   

In this episode Claire helps us to remember all the details about Pyrogenic Granulomas.  

Learn wakeup memory techniques for remembering hypertension drugs. 

In this episode we catch up with Claire Jeong, RDH, BS, MS to talk about some very important things - students! We discuss curriculum tactics and ways to engage the students. Claire is an expert on using techniques to remember facts that are helpful for tests and exams. We play another round of trivia with Claire and the results may not surprise you one bit…  

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